8 Korean-style skincare steps for morning and evening

 8 Korean-style skincare steps for morning and evening

8 Korean-style skincare steps for morning and evening

 8 Korean-style skincare steps for morning and evening

Have you ever met a Korean woman before, if you did, of course, you'd know what I was talking about - her skin would probably be so amazing and flawless, because of a routine. Skincare The Korean they follow, the perfect Korean woman's skin is behind her an old secret, and this secret is the 8 steps they follow in taking care of their skin, which acts like magic, making it glamorous and soft in the least time. All you have to do is be patient and consistent in following this routine, and here we will give you this article on the PORTO STATION  of their skin care system, and how they follow this system in detail.

Korean-style skincare steps

There are some steps to follow and make it a daily skincare routine, and get rid of its problems, which are:

Start with an oil cleanser.

  • The first thing you have to do is remove all makeup products from your skin.
  • Place an oil cleanser on your face, then apply it to all skin and neck.
  • And make sure you cover the eye area and lips.
  • Then start doing a gentle touch to your skin, then put some Water Warm.
  • Massage your wet skin and rinse.
  • This process will melt any dirt on your face and make it clean and bright.
  • This will remove your makeup, wipe out all the deposits accumulated on your skin throughout the day;

Wash your face with water and lotion

  • If you think you've finished cleaning your face after using an oil cleanser, you're wrong.
  • There's still some sediment on your face that you need to erase, so you'll need a water wash. Wet your face with water, then apply the lotion and gently massage in a circular motion, then rinse with water.
  • After that, your face will be clean without any dirt;


  • Now you need to remove the layer of dead skin cells from the skin in order to show your face bright and shiny. Exfoliation of your face from dead skin cells will help skin care products work on the skin in an effective way. Exfoliation cleans pores and makes the skin softer and brighter.

  • Remove your face, then apply the peeler, gently peel in a circular motion and wash. You don't need to peel your face every day. Use a peeler three times a week if your skin is not sensitive, and twice if it sensitive.

Use the toner.

  • Toner refreshes your skin and equips it to absorb upcoming products well. It also balances the PH level in the skin, moisturizing Layers of skin and removing any lost impurities from detergent. Place the toner on your face with your fingertips or apply it to your skin with cotton wipes, and spread it to every face from your nose to your ears.

Korean Special Recipe

  • It is a unique solution in Korean beauty culture. Toner is a liquid that contains a watery solution and components to repair the skin, it moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin.
  • After using two cleaners, you now need to increase hydration to rebalance the softness of your skin. This liquid does this, and in addition to the glow of your face, it adjusts the acidity levels of the skin.
  • Put the solution on your face with your fingertips, cut cotton, or make external movements, after you keep it on your face for a while.

Repair your skin.

  • When you have black spots, pigmentation, or any other specific skin problem, it's best to treat your skin immediately. Choose from treatments and solutions to enhance and help get the skin rid of stains.
  • These treatments target specific areas of the problem and combat skin problems such as Acnewrinkles, large pores, and pale skin. It also treats skin care immediately.

Don't forget the eye cream.

  • The next step is to take care of an area under the eyes. The skin around your eyes is thin and needs more care and attention. Eye creams are excellent at this; Dark circles around the eyes and smooth the skin.
  • Use your fingertips gently on the bone area, and avoid the water line, use daily in the morning and when you sleep.

Protect your skin with sunscreen

  • Sunscreen is a necessity, especially if you're getting ready to go outside all day, it prevents premature aging and protects you from cancer Skin. Sunscreen keeps the skin from harmful UV rays and protects the skin from pigmentation and black spots.
  • Use daily before going out in the morning, and make sure it's the last product placed on your skin.

Korean-style skincare questions?

There are many questions that individuals are looking for, regarding the application of the Korean method of skincare, namely:

Do I have to follow all the steps of Korean skincare?

  • Not all of the above-mentioned steps 8 must be followed, but you can apply what your skin needs, and follow all the steps mentioned that suit your skin's naturality, problems, and daily lifestyle.

Do I have to use Korean products only?

  • Meaning that this routine is specific to the Korean way, does not mean that it is only required to use Korean products, but it is recommended to use the right products and health, make sure of their quality, get the most out, and get rid of skin problems, and get smooth and clear skin.

Does the Korean system suit all skin types?

  • The Korean way of caring for the skin is a great way to fit all skin types, but the way you follow it depends only on using products that suit your skin type, whether normal, greasy, dry, or mixed, so it is necessary to know your skin type, adopt the Korean method, and then start applying it.

Finally, the Korean way of skin care is one of the most important ways for all skin types, which ensures you have clear and soft skin, similar to that of children.

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