What are black holes? And what effect does it have on the universe?

 What are black holes? And what effect does it have on the universe?

What are black holes?

Black holes have a very high gravity, capable of attracting particles, waves, and light to them, so that they can never escape them, which is frightening in many hypotheses about their future. Black holes were first talked about through einstein's theory of the world, raising the curiosity of the scientists who discovered and studied them, and the most prominent event in practical society was on April 10, 2019, when the first image of a black hole was published in space, to give us the validity of the hypotheses of the last century. So we'll talk in this article via PORTO STATION about black holes and the most important facts and information about them.

The concept of both holes

  • Black holes are defined as high-density objects and terrifying gravity, called space monsters from which no object or component, including light, escapes.
  • Statistics estimate that there are more than 100 million black holes in our Milky Way galaxy. It is a much terrifying fact, although black holes are far from the planet, the consequences of any black hole approaching Earth could be catastrophic.
  • In a recent NASA report, a large black hole was spotted in the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is 4 million times the mass of the Sun and is located 26,000 light-years from earth.

Date of discovery of black holes

The story began in the last century, specifically in 1916, when the famous scientist Albert Einstein predicted the existence of black holes, through a theory of General relativity then it develops into the following:

  •  In 1964, scientists observed X-rays coming from space, raising many questions about them. It later became clear that the source of these rays was a bright blue star orbiting a strange dark object. While the explanation for this phenomenon was terrifying, scientists said at the time that these rays were the result of stripping the stellar material of the bright star and devouring its dark body.
  • As for the concept and naming "Black hole"It was drafted by American astronomer John Wells in 1967, has long been a theoretical term.
  • Meanwhile, the STScl Space Science Observatories Institute predicts that one in 1,000 stars is large enough to turn into a black hole. Consequently, there are expected to be approximately 100 million black holes in our galaxy.

Types of black holes

Space scientists were able to identify three main types of black holes: small stellar black holes, medium holes, and large holes. Here's a closer look at each type:

Small stellar holes

  • Small stars are meant to be stars that reach three times the mass of the sun. One of the most common information about them is that they burn a neutron star, but when a larger star collapses it continues to compress and creates a star black hole.
  • The number of these stellar holes is small, but they have a very high density that creates a great attraction that swallows gases and dust from the surrounding galaxies, to keep them growing and growing in size.

Middle holes

  • Space scientists have revealed medium-sized black holes known as IMBHs. Such objects are likely to form when stars collide in a cluster in a chain reaction.
  • Many of these objects, which form in the same area, can also cluster at the center of a galaxy made up of a massive black hole.

Huge holes.

  • The universe is filled with large black holes and is arguably the leader of black holes. It is of a frightening size of up to millions and billions of times the size of the sun. Such black is believed to be located at the center of almost every galaxy, including the Milky Way galaxy.
  • On the other hand, scientists do not know why these holes are enormous in size, but once they are formed they collect a large mass of dust and gases from the surrounding galaxies and increase in size.

Facts about black holes

Despite the horror that a lot of people and I feel about the Black holes What can happen if we approach it or, more correctly, approach us, there is a lot of interesting information about those objects. Here's a closer look at the highlights of this information and facts:

Black holes can't be seen per se.

  • Based on the reality of the black hole and its high gravity that traps and hides the light, the black hole itself cannot be seen. However, we can see its effects on the surrounding environment, such as seeing a star rupture in the vicinity of the black hole.

Time varies in the black hole.

  • Albert Einstein explained this through the theory of relativity general, which showed that time is affected by the amount of speed, especially when it is at large speeds and close to the speed of light.
  • Assuming a person falls into the black hole, the person who fell in the time of the black hole slows down, relative to the person who sees it.

The black hole doesn't absorb objects.

  • Contrary to prevailing ideas, different objects fall into the black hole by large gravity, just as objects fall on the Earth's surface for the same reason.

The age of the small holes goes back to the Big Bang.

  • Scientists assume that the expansion of space, which occurred very quickly after the Big Bang, caused great pressure and thus formed small, dense black holes.

Can black holes end life?

The gravity of the black hole lies in its high gravity and large size, which is many times larger than the sun, so scientists have identified 4 different scenarios, for ways in which black holes can end your life, including:

Scenario <>

  • The enormous mass of the black hole relative to the size of space forms such a strong gravitational field that no object approaching it and exceeding the point of no return or what is known as the event horizon can survive only on one condition that it proceeds more quickly than light, which is impossible.

Scenario <>

  • We talked earlier that the black hole itself is invisible being able to hide the light. But what drew attention to him was the incandescent and alternating mass of high-temperature materials around it known as the accumulation disk. So your approach to this area is inevitable by burning in a very short time.

Scenario <>

  • Assuming you can survive the disappearance or combustion of the black hole, you will certainly go blind as a result of approaching the accumulation disk that we talked about earlier.
  • The material inside the disk is subject to a lot of friction, resulting in magnetic plasma radiating from the edges of the black hole.

The last scenario.

  • This scenario is similar to that of combustion due to the accumulated disk. However, this theory is known as the theory of the firewall. Which says that the moment you go beyond the event horizon, it will burn immediately.

In conclusion, the black hole is interesting with all the information that science has come to this day. It should be noted that studies and research are continuing to find logical solutions to the puzzles surrounding the black hole, so share this information with your friends interested in this field, and do not approach the black hole if you encounter it in a place and time other than what we are living now.

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