What are the symptoms of gonorrhea in men?

 What are the symptoms of gonorrhea in men?

symptoms of gonorrhea in men
 What are the symptoms of gonorrhea in men

Gonorrhea is a common infection transmitted through the sexual transmission of bacteria that affects both men and women and gonorrhea symptoms should be known for rapid treatment, so we will talk in this article on PORTO STATION  Symptoms of gonorrhea in men, as symptoms include secretions, painful urination and other symptoms, and if gonorrhea is not treated it will spread throughout the body and affect the joints and heart valves.

What is gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea means gonorrhea in Latin and is:

  • Sexually transmitted infection, an infection caused by Neisseria bacteria, is also called aureus bacteria, infecting men and women and affecting ureters, anus, and throats in women.
  • It can also affect the cervix, with an incubation period of 2 to 30 days, but most symptoms occur between 4 and 6 days after infection.
  • A small number of people may have symptoms for life, about 30% and 60% of people with gonorrhea do not show symptoms of the disease, and infection is spread through vaginal, oral or sexual intercourse.
  • The disease can also be spread through the use of toilets and bathrooms, pregnant women reach their newborn children during childbirth, and gonorrhea affects the children's eyes at birth.
  • Men and women should therefore not leave gonorrhea untreated because it can spread throughout the body, and this will affect joints and heart valves and can cause infertility in men and women.

Gonorrhea bacteria infect mucous membranes and also affect many different areas in men and women, including:

  • The women's reproductive system includes the vagina, cervix, and fallopian tubes.
  • The reproductive system of men includes the penis and testicles.
  • Mouth and throat in men and women.
  • Eyes in men and women.
  • and rectal area.
  • The joints of the body.

Causes of gonorrhea

  • Gonorrhea occurs as a result of brown steroid bacteria and is transmitted from person to person during sexual intercourse and including oral, or vaginal intercourse.
  • There are many symptoms of the disease.

Gonorrhea symptoms in men

Gonorrhea symptoms appear in about two to 14 days of infection but may not cause symptoms or visible signs for many people although the infected person can transmit the infection to other people, and one of the first symptoms of gonorrhea in men is the sensation of burning and pain when urinating, and there are many other symptoms:

  • Swelling of the testicles and pain in them.
  • Swelling and redness of the urine's galactic opening.
  • Discharge from the penis resembles pus and may be white, yellow, or greenish.
  • A person needs to urinate more than usual.
  • In many cases, gonorrhea continues to affect many organs of the body for a few weeks after treatment, particularly in the urethra and testicles.

Gonorrhea symptoms in women

Gonorrhea symptoms do not appear in women often, but other minor symptoms appear and are similar to many other health problems such as urinary tract infection and others, which makes the diagnosis of infection in women very difficult at times, and the symptoms of gonorrhea in women are summarized as follows:

  • Increased vaginal secretions can be watery, creamy, or green.
  • Vaginal discharge smells strong and undesirable.
  • Women feel pain and burning while urinating.
  • Women feel the need to urinate constantly.
  • Women feel pain during intercourse.
  • Running a fever.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen is shown as a result of the spread of the infection to the stomach or its arrival in the fallopian tube.

The infection of gonorrhea causes sore throats, and if it infects the enemies of straight gonorrhea or the ass, it causes the following symptoms:

  • injuries.
  • Painful and disturbing anus.
  • Pain in the rectum.
  • Bleeding.
  • There is a pain when defecating.
  • Therefore, you should go to the doctor and treat them when these symptoms appear so as not to lead to infertility.

Complications of gonorrhea

Although men have frequent gonorrhea symptoms and fewer appearances than women, there are many complications if gonorrhea is not treated, this may lead to many other complications such as:

  • Infertility in women as gonorrhea can spread in the uterus and in fallopian tubes and will cause pelvic inflammatory disease because pelvic inflammation can lead to fallopian tube scarring, which leads to increased risk and many complications in pregnancy and leads to infertility, and pelvic inflammatory disease needs to be treated immediately.
  • Infertility in men as gonorrhea can be a small tube wrapped behind the testicles where the vector channels of the centenary animals (porcine) are found and the ducts become inflamed, and percussion must be treated as it can cause infertility.
  • Gonorrhea bacteria can travel and spread through the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, such as joints and other areas of the body, causing many consequences such as fever, rashes, skin ulcers, joint pain, swelling, and stiffness.
  • People with gonorrhea are more likely to be infected with HIV, which is responsible for AIDS, and if a person develops gonorrhea and HIV, they easily transmit the virus to their partners.
  • Infants with gonorrhea, which has been transmitted from their mothers during childbirth, can go blind and also cause scalp ulcers and many infections.

Ways to prevent gonorrhea

The risk of gonorrhea should be reduced by doing some things, including:

  • Use condoms when having sex in any type of sexual intercourse whether oral or vaginal sex but it is best to abstain from sex until gonorrhea is prevented.
  • The number of partners in sex and a commitment to a single sexual relationship with one partner should be reduced and neither of you has sex with another person to reduce gonorrhea.
  • Be careful to perform sexually transmitted infection tests before having sex with the other person.
  • You should not have sex with someone who is more likely to have a sexually transmitted infection or if he or she develops symptoms.
  • Sexually active and at-risk women should check for gonorrhea regularly each year, and men should also do so.
  • Until gonorrhea symptoms are avoided in men again, stop having sex until the partners complete treatment and the symptoms disappear.

After knowing the symptoms of gonorrhea in men, be careful not to enter into many relationships with many people to avoid infection, and many tests should be carried out to check

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