Causes of bedwetting in children and methods of its final treatment

 Causes of bedwetting in children and methods of its final treatment

Causes of bedwetting in children and methods of its final treatment
 Causes of bedwetting in children and methods of its final treatment

This may be a nuisance for parents, but bedwetting in children is a very common problem. While some children succeed in keeping their bed dry all night, others cannot do so and start wetting the bed for months or years for several psychological and health reasons, but it is not a cause for concern because the child often does not need treatment, as it is enough to follow some of the instructions and tips that we list for you in detail below in your Porto station, follow us.

Bedwetting in children

  •  Bedwetting occurs when a child urinates during sleep unconsciously or unconsciously It may take several months, even years, before a child succeeds in keeping his bed dry every night, most children stop bedwetting between the ages of 5 and 6 years.

Causes of bedwetting in children 

Children wet the bed for several reasons, here are some of the most common causes: 

  • Time: Some children need extra time to develop their bladder control. 
  • Heredity: Children who wet the bed tend to have a parent, aunt, uncle, or grandparent who wet the bed until a later age, indicating a genetic component.
  •  Sleep: Children who are disturbed by sleep due to snoring, television, or pets, and children who sleep deeply are more likely to wet the bed.
  •  Stress or life changes: Going through major changes such as commuting from house to house or other stressors can cause children to wet their beds. 
  • Medical cause: The cause may be medical reasons such as a urinary tract infection (UTI), constipation, or differences in the way the body is built or functions, such as a small bladder or producing too much urine.

Causes of bedwetting in children and methods of its final treatment
 Causes of bedwetting in children and methods of its final treatment

Tips for dealing with bedwetting 

It is important to remember as a parent that it is normal for children under the age of 5 to wet the bed, and usually stop on their own without treatment. But there are some preventive tips that will help you avoid bedwetting during this period of the child's life and direct him early to give up wetting his bed, and the most important tips are the following:


  • Giving the child less to drink during the day is not the way to reduce bedwetting. The bladder will adapt to the baby to hold less urine if you do. 
  • Your child should have 6 to 8 drinks during the day, starting with the drink at breakfast, and by 5 pm, they should have at least 5 drinks.
  •  Children attending nursery or school should have at least 3 drinks during the school day. 
  • Don't give your child drinks like tea, cola, or hot chocolate before bed, as they contain caffeine, making your baby's body wetter at night. Instead, it is preferable to serve them the last drink of the day 90 minutes before bedtime and it should be a small drink be careful not to leave a drink next to the bed so that the child does not drink from it in double quantities. 
  • The child should eat a healthy and balanced diet. 
  • Encourage the child to go to the toilet regularly during the day. 
  • Encourage the child to urinate to empty his bladder before he goes to bed. 
  • If your child is afraid of the dark, place the dim night light next to the bed or leave the bathroom light on. 


  • Protect your child's bedding with a waterproof cover and consider using a waterproof duvet. 
  • Keep clean bedding on hand to change sheets at night.
  •  Rinse the baby's mattress with cold water or bleach before washing it as usual. 


  •  Most children with bedwetting do not need to take medication, but there are some cases in which it may be useful, as the doctor may recommend its use if it is suitable for your child. 
  • DDAVP (also known as Minarine) is a medicine that helps the child's body reduce the amount of urine during the night, it will reduce the likelihood of overfilling the baby's bladder during sleep. DDAVP is usually recommended for children with a bedwetting alarm that hasn't worked, and sometimes both treatments are given together. 
  • It is safe to use DDAVP, provided it does not exceed the recommended dose, and the child avoids excessive fluid intake in the evening after dinner. 
  • DDAVP can work quickly and effectively, showing its effect from the first night, and many doctors recommend using DDAVP for three months, followed by a break to determine if a child can stay dry without the use of the drug. 
  • Some children will have bedwetting when the medicine is cut, for this category the doctor may ask to reuse DDAVP and try to stop it again every few months to see if the child still needs to stay dry while sleeping.

 Bedwetting alarm 

  • Bedwetting alarms are usually attached to the baby's underwear or on the pillow on which he sleeps, when the baby's clothes or pillow get wet, the alarm sounds with vibration, which teaches the baby's body to wake up when it needs to urinate. 
  • For this to work, the child has to wet the bed repeatedly so that his brain can learn to wake up at night to urinate in the toilet. 
  • This option should be a last resort given the time it can cost, but research shows that when used correctly, this is the most effective way to teach children to keep their beds dry in the long run.
  • General tips regarding bedwetting in children 
  • Regardless of the treatment, you use with your child, there are some general strategies that are useful during the treatment process and include:
  •  It is very important to be patient and encourage the child, punishing or mocking the child for wetting the bed will only aggravate the situation, and make sure that siblings understand this as well. 
  • The child needs to be heavily involved in the treatment plan, be very positive on nights when the bed is not wet, and try not to be negative on nights when he urinates. 
  • You may want to use some forms of bed protection while waiting for the child to stop urinating, and a variety of pads and covers are available to protect the bed and pillow, and there are pancakes that can be used on certain

When should you consult a doctor when bedwetting in children? 

Seek medical advice if your child:

  •  Suddenly starts to wet the bed after keeping the bed dries continuously for at least six months, especially if there are no recent changes or stresses. 
  • Snoring loudly, pausing, or gasping for breath most nights. 
  • Complaints of burning or pain when urinating. 
  • Pees at a high pace. 
  • He drinks or eats more than usual. 
  • He has swelling of the feet or ankles.



Despite all the difficulties that may accompany this condition, parents are required to deal with understanding and patience in particular until getting rid of this condition, which is somewhat normal, but there are age limits if they are exceeded, parents are required to consult a doctor and follow up with him on a regular basis to treat the original cause of bedwetting.

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