A Guide to Identifying Their Color and Quality

 What color is the emerald stone? And how does the real emerald stone distinguish it from the fake?

What color is the emerald stone?

No wonder emerald is one of the most commonly used stones in engagement rings and marriage for its ever-lasting prosperity, hope, and love. Apart from those beautiful meanings reflected in the stone, it also has a captivating beauty in front of which your eyes can only meditate for a while, the Emerald Stone is one of the 4 most precious stones on earth, and in our article, this on PORTO STATION We answer all your emerald questions, such as how do you distinguish the original emerald stone? What color is the emerald stone? In addition to a comprehensive overview of his long history.

History of the Emerald Stone 

In 332 BC, Alexander the Great occupied Egypt, and during his rule, Egypt was known for its period of prosperity, which consisted of the foundations of culture and learning and was a source of grain, and this relationship with the discovery of emeralds is due to the following: 

  • At that time, Egyptians began digging some of the world's first emerald mines, and the green gems found by Egyptian miners were called smaragdos, literally meaning "green gemstones." 

  • The ancient jewelers soon began cutting, polishing, and decorating gemstones, decorating necklaces, shields, and even sculptures, and quickly owned them by all the rich and nobles of the country at the time in different sizes and shades of color. 

  • The appreciation and status of the emerald stone by the ancient Egyptians was not only because of the beauty of the stone, but also because they believed that it helped predict the future, distinguish between truth and falsehood, defeat evil spirits, and treat diseases. 

  • In the 16th century, another new source of emerald stone was discovered by Spanish explorers who sailed and found in the native South American Indians an emerald stone larger and even more beautiful than the Egyptian emerald. 

  • On the return journey, Spanish explorers took many emeralds home, from where other European ships began to travel to South America to get emeralds for resale in their countries. 

  • From there, emeralds became common and spread throughout Europe, and the ways in which it was used evolved, adorning crowns, necklaces, and rings. 

What color is the emerald stone? 

  • All emerald stones are green but can have a blue or yellow shade, and those shades that may adorn green often date back to the number of trace metals found in gemstones. 

  • In this regard, most emerald stones contain three archaeological minerals: chromium, vanadium, and iron, depending on the quantities of these minerals and how they are distributed throughout the crystal, the general color of emeralds is formed. 

Answering a question about what emerald stone color will take us to three categories of emerald based on its color, color, and shades, including

  • Yellow Green Emerald: Both chromium and vanadium give the emerald its distinctive green color, and if the emerald does not contain enough of one of these trace metals, yellow shades can appear on it. 

  • These shadows can be clear or barely noticeable. As a rule, yellow-green emeralds are less valuable because shades of yellow detract from the bright-green emerald color.

  •  Emerald Green Blue: An emerald stone with a high amount of iron is often adorned with shades of blue, making the green color of the stone look darker. Aesthetically, these shades give the stone a special and striking aesthetic but remain less valuable than an emerald stone with pure green color. 

  • Pure Green Emerald: When emerald stone contains the perfect combination of chrome and vanadium with a small amount of iron, it is pure green and pure free of any shades of another color, which is the most expensive and valuable, and here I discovered the answer to the question of what color emerald stone is. 

How does emerald stone form? 

These charming green crystals, with captivating beauty and very high market value, were formed as a result of geological events that occurred in the Earth's crust hundreds of millions of years ago, formed by: 

  • Emerald stones formed one molecule at a time under very specific conditions. When hydrothermal fluids seep from magma deep into the earth's crust, hydrothermal veins form and emeralds can form within these veins. 

  • Thanks to perfect natural conditions and the presence of the required elements such as beryllium, the Colombian emerald, one of the most famous and demanding emeralds on the planet, is formed. 

  • However, we cannot generalize and say that all emeralds form in hydrothermal veins, some of which are formed in brumate deposits, the latter similar to hydrothermal veins, with the exception of one major variation that shows that hot water is the main component of hydrothermal veins while magma or molten rocks are the main factors in the deposits of the summative. 

Emerald price and value 

The question of emerald prices is very similar to the question of the cost of a car, because it depends on many things, including: 

  • Emerald type, in addition to its size, color, density, clarity, and origin. 

  • Colombian emerald stone, for example, is a species that calls for a high and much higher price than emeralds from other locations around the world. It is followed by the Zambian Emerald. 

  • There is a range of factors behind the price of emerald stone and its differences, we have pointed to each other by talking about the various aspects of this gemstone.

Emerald stone symbolism 

  • Emerald stone has a special symbolism around the world, especially among the children of May, where it is considered the stone of their sister since May is located in the middle of spring when trees and plants bloom and nature is green. 

  • This stone is also used in certain traditions of some peoples, such as its use to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the wedding, where it is believed that the 55-year marriage with its sweetness and bitterness is certainly full of hope, sincerity, and eternal love, the same beautiful values, and meanings reflected in the emerald stone. 

How do you distinguish the real emerald stone from the fake? 

In the world of gemstones, specifically, when buying decorated jewelry, the biggest challenge for individuals is whether the gemstone is real or fake, especially since many have been defrauded and defrauded by buying jewelry with worthless fake stones. For the emerald stone, below are some signs that will help you distinguish between the real and the fake: 

  • An interesting fact about natural emeralds is that it contains many impurities, most of which are invisible to the naked eye. These impurities take a thread-like shape and often contain small gas bubbles surrounding them. To make sure that the emerald stone is real, check this by holding the stone at a slanted angle and watching it through a magnifying glass, if you can't find any defects or see gas bubbles, it's probably a fake stone. 

  • In answering a question about the color of the emerald stone, we said that pure green stone, free of shades of color, is the most valuable, and in order to check the extent to which the stone is real color is an auxiliary element, all you have to do is raise the emerald stone in front of the light and note its color. If the stone you hold displays yellow or brown tones, it is likely to be fake, while the real emerald is pure green or green blue. 

  • Another helpful way to check the authenticity of your stone is to put it under bright light, such as a lamp, and pay attention to its shine. If the stone radiates in very bright rainbow colors, it is probably a fake emerald stone. 

As you followed us to the question of what color emerald stone we took on an exploratory and historical journey about the precious emerald stone, which is one of the most beautiful stones adorned with princesses and queens, like the British royal family that appreciates this stone and we find it decorated with rings and crowns of the royal family.

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